Referee System Exam for RMUL 2024
Notice on the Referee System Exam for RMUC/RMUL 2024:
All Regular Members are eligible for the Exam (Captain and Pit Crew Members are highly recommended to participate)
Which of the following materials can the Power Management Module not be mounted on?
A conductive aluminum plate
A wood board
A 3D printed base that is made up of PLA
A carbon fiber plate
How do you obtain the latest versions of the upgrading tool and server software?
Ask other teams for the tool and software.
Ask RoboMaster Organizing Committee (RMOC) for the tool and software.
Ask former members for the tool and software.
Download from the RoboMaster official website.
The Main Controller Module is the core control unit of the Referee System. What are its functions?
① Monitor the operating status of the entire Referee System
② Integration of Human-Machine Interaction
③ Wireless communication
④ Status display
Which of the following is the correct sequence for setting the robot's maximum HP as "unlimited"?
a. On the Homepage, press and hold the OK key. Press the PgUp or PgDn key to select "Game Setup", and press the OK key to enter.
b. Press the PgUp or PgDn key to select "MaxHP: Unlimited", then press the OK key.
c. Press the PgUp or PgDn key to select "MaxHP Setup", then press the OK key to enter.
Which of the following output voltages does not apply to the Power Management Module?
DC 3.3 V
DC 5 V
DC 12 V
DC 24 V
Which of the following correctly describes the "Game Setup" page?
Enabling "Module Detection" will ignore the offline module(s).
Enabling "All Lights Control" will open the robot indicator. This setting is saved when powered off.
Enabling "Pellet Test" indicates that the Speed Monitor Module (17 mm projectile) is used for fluorescent projectile brightness test. This setting is not saved when powered off.
Enabling "Offline Mode" will make the Robot Side offline and this setting will not be saved when powered off.
What is the minimum velocity requirement for the Armor Module to detect a large 42 mm projectile?
The normal speed is 6 m/s.
The normal speed is 7 m/s.
The normal speed is 8 m/s.
The normal speed is 9 m/s.
What is the correct method for connecting the Supercapacitor Management Module?
Use an aviation cable to connect it to the Main Controller Module.
Use an aviation cable to connect it to the Power Management Module.
Use an 8-pin cable to connect it to the Main Controller Module.
Use a 4-pin cable to connect it to the Power Management Module.
What is the maximum continuous load current of the Chassis or Gimbal port on the Power Management Module?
6 A
8 A
10 A
12 A
When upgrading Armor Modules using the upgrading tool, you find that the tool is unable to display the correct number of Armor Modules. The Armor Module's indicator also blinks red, blue, and purple alternatively. Which of the following could be the reason behind this phenomenon?
The Armor Module is damaged.
The Armor Module wire is damaged.
Armor Module ID conflict
Other modules of the Referee System are damaged.
When the Speed Monitor Module accumulates too much dust, what is the correct way to deal with it?
Insert a stiff bristle brush into the Speed Monitor Module and quickly pull it out.
Spray alcohol on the sensor of the Speed Monitor Module.
Blow air directly at the sensor with a high-pressure air blow gun.
Gently blow air at the barrel of the Speed Monitor Module with a low-pressure air blow gun.
Which precautions should be taken when using the RFID Interaction Module?
① Before the use, check for short circuits and make sure all ports are connected correctly.
② Do not place high-current cables or power modules near the back of the RFID Interaction Module.
③ Make sure that neither side of the IC card to be detected is blocked by metal; otherwise, the effective detection distance of the RFID Interaction Module will be affected.
④ The RFID Interaction Module should not be used alone, but rather used in combination with the Main Controller Module and Power Management Module of the Referee System.
The information of the Wi-Fi currently connected to a robot can be viewed on the Interaction Interface. Which of the following statements are true about this feature?
① The option for viewing the Wi-Fi information is called "Connect Information" and can be found under the "Game Setup".
② Generally, SSID is the name you give your Wi-Fi network. You can view the SSID of the AP currently connected to the robot on the Wi-Fi Information Search page.
③ The password of the Wi-Fi network can be obtained from the Wi-Fi Information Search page, in the event the robot forgets the password.
④ Signal strength and signal quality reflect the stability of the wireless connection and the connection quality and distance between the wireless router and the Main Controller Module, both of which can be viewed on the Wi-Fi Information Search page.
Which of the following explains why the side indicators of the Armor Module flash red and blue alternately?
The Armor Module is unable to communicate with the Main Controller Module.
The Armor Module is damaged.
The Armor Module firmware is not the latest version.
The Armor Module is currently being attacked.
Which of the following modules cannot be connected to the Speed Monitor Module in series?
Power Management Module
Main Controller Module
UWB module
Video Transmitter Module
Which of the following will lead to the malfunctioning of the display module of the Referee System's Main Controller Module after the system is powered on for the first time following its installation?
① Supplying power to the gimbal through the gimbal power supply port of the Power Management Module.
② There are duplicate Armor Module IDs.
③ There is an RFID card within the effective range of the RFID Interaction Module.
④ The sensor of the Speed Monitor Module is blocked.
Which of the following is the correct sequence for looking up the version data of the robot's Armor Module?
a. On the Homepage, press and hold the OK key. Then press PgUp or PgDn to select "Read Version".
b. Press the PgUp or PgDn key to check the version number of each Armor Module.
c. Press the PgUp or PgDn key to select "Armor Module", then press the OK key to enter.
What is the maximum pressure an Armor Module can bear?
50 N
190 N
490 N
1,000 N
When on a page other than the Homepage, how many seconds does the system have to wait, if no keys are pressed, before the screen is automatically redirected to the Homepage?
10 s
20 s
30 s
40 s
Which of the following incorrectly describes the functionality of the keys of the Main Controller Module?
When on the Real-Time Information Display page, press Cancel to return to the Homepage.
In case any modules go offline, you can check the specific modules by pressing the PgUp or PgDn key while on the Homepage.
While on the Homepage, press or long-press the OK key to enter the Real-Time Information Display page.
When not on the Homepage, press and hold the Cancel key to return to the Homepage.
How do you verify whether the detection function of the RFID Interaction Module is damaged?
Place an IC card close to the powered-on RFID Interaction Module mounted on the robot. The RFID Interaction Module is damaged if the light flashes incorrectly.
The RFID Interaction Module mounted on a robot cannot detect the IC card. If the IC card can be detected after the module is removed and replaced with another RFID Interaction Module, it can be determined that the removed module is damaged.
Remove the RFID Interaction Module from the robot and power it on. Place the IC card 100 mm directly above the "R" sign of the module. If the light cannot flash correctly when there is no external interference, the module is damaged.
Which port on the Power Management Module will remain powered on after the robot is defeated?
Mini PC
Which of the following correctly describes the Speed Monitor Module?
If the Speed Monitor Module initialization fails, the side indicators will flash green.
If the Speed Monitor Module's infrared sensor is blocked for a prolonged period of time, the side indicators will flash red.
If the Speed Monitor Module is not connected to the Main Controller Module, the side indicators will flash red and blue alternately.
If the Speed Monitor Module's infrared sensor detects exceptions, the side indicators will flash red and blue alternately.
When the VTM is in user mode (Chinese mainland), which Wi-Fi channels should be avoided in order to prevent interference?
CH149 - CH165
CH100 - CH120
CH1 - CH12
CH36 - CH64
Which of the following is the wrong way to mount the Light Indicator Module?
Use M3X10 screws to secure the Light Indicator Module to the two sides of the Small Armor Module Support Frame.
Use M3X10 screws to mount the Light Indicator Module on both sides of the Large Armor Module Support Frame.
The four M2.5 threaded holes on the side of the module's mounting bracket can be used to mount the Light Indicator Module on a suitable location.
The four M3 threaded holes on the bottom of the module's mounting bracket can be used to mount the Light Indicator Module on a suitable location.
Which of the following statements regarding the use of the upgrading tool is incorrect?
When there are multiple modules to be upgraded, you can click the automatic upgrade checkbox to automatically upgrade all currently connected modules.
You can connect the upgrading tool to the Main Controller Module's USB port using a USB cable to upgrade all the Referee System modules.
The upgrading tool can automatically download the latest firmware from the server.
The upgrading tool can only upgrade one module at a time.
Which of the following incorrectly describes the debugging function of the Main Controller Module?
The "Debug Option" on the Debugging page is found under "Game Setup".
Disable the "Module Detection" option on the "Debug Option" page to efficiently supply power to the chassis and gimbal during debugging.
When "Ext Speed Mon" si enabled, it indicates that the robot is equipped with an extra Speed Monitor Module (17 mm projectile). This setting is saved when powered off.
Go to "Module Detection" to check the exception information of the failed module.
What are the respective frequency measurement ranges for the 17 mm and 42 mm Speed Monitor Modules?
1-25 Hz; 1-35 Hz
1-30 Hz; 1-40 Hz
1-35 Hz; 1-25 Hz
1-35 Hz; 1-35 Hz
Which of the following incorrectly describes the information displayed on the Main Controller Module below?
There is no buff currently.
The robot is currently not connected to the server.
The robot's current power is 80 W.
The robot's current buffer energy limit is 60.
Which of the following incorrectly describes VT02 & VT12?
Video Transmitter Module (VTM) provides users with First-Person View (FPV).
The VTM Transmitter is mounted on the Robot Side, while the VTM Receiver is mounted on the Client.
If the Client is used to receive video data, PC must have a video capture card.
When using the VTM for the first time, you need to locally activate the Transmitter and the Receiver.
After the installation is completed, which of the following can explain a decrease in the effective detection distance of the RFID Interaction Module from its theoretical value?
① The side of the module with the RoboMaster logo is blocked by an aluminum plate.
② The side of the module with the RoboMaster logo is blocked by a carbon fiber plate.
③ The side of the module with the RoboMaster logo is blocked by an acrylic sheet.
④ The side of the module with the RoboMaster logo is blocked by a wooden plate.
The Human-Computer Interaction Interface of the Referee System consists of a screen and four keys. Which of the following correctly describes the keys indicated in the following image?
1. PgUp 2. PgDn 3. OK 4. Cancel
1. OK 2. Cancel 3. PgUp 4. PgDn
1. PgUp 2. OK 3. PgDn 4. Cancel
1. OK 2. PgUp 3. Cancel 4. PgDn
When using the upgrading tool to upgrade a Referee System module, what does it mean if the app's version number column turns red?
The module is faulty and cannot be upgraded.
A new version of firmware for this module is available.
Unable to get the latest firmware from the server.
The upgrading tool is unable to obtain the module's data.
Which of the following items can be configured on the "Game Setup" page?
1. Reset HP
2. Set MaxHP
3. Set MaxPower
4. Set the MaxSpeed of a 17 mm projectile
5. Set the MaxSpeed of a 42 mm projectile
6. Set the MaxHeat of a 17 mm projectile
7. Set the MaxHeat of a 42 mm projectile
Which of the following statements about the VTM is true?
When the VTM is in user mode, it generates less heat when working and can block the air intake and outlet.
Use a Micro-USB cable to connect the VTM Receiver and the PC client.
The VTM Receiver should be mounted more than 1 m above the ground and is not blocked by metal.
The antenna can be rotated 360 degrees.
The figure below shows the serial ports of the VTM. What are the correct pins from left to right?
You need to reconfigure a robot from RED1 to BLUE2 Standard. Which of the following is the correct sequence to follow?
a. Press OK on the Home Screen to enter the Real-Time Information Display page, then check whether the current robot is the right type based on what was previously set.
b. Press and hold OK on the Homepage. Enter "Robot ID Setup" and select "Standard".
c. Press and hold the Homepage. Enter "Robot ID Setup" and select "BLUE2 Engineer".
Which of the following incorrectly describes the functionality of the keys of the Main Controller Module?
On the Homepage or Real-time Information Display page, press and hold OK to enter the robot's Function page.
When on a page other than the Homepage, press and hold Cancel to directly return to the Homepage.
On the Homepage, press and hold the Cancel key to enter the Real-Time Information Display page.
When not on the Homepage, press the Cancel key to return to the previous page.
Please select the right sequence for setting the Receiver ID of a VTM.
a. Use a USB Type-C cable to connect the PC and the Receiver. Use a power adapter to power the VTM Receiver. Wait for about 20 seconds until the indicator displays a constant green light, which indicates that the Receiver has started up.
b. Open the Device Manager of your PC and expand the Network Adapter submenu to check for a "Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device". If the driver has not been installed, please refer to the Chapter "Activating Receiver" to install DJI Phantom 4 Drivers_1.2_Installer for the Receiver Module.
c. Open "RoboMaster Client" and tap the "Enter Client" button. After the Client UI is displayed, press the "p" key on the keyboard. The "Settings Panel" subpage will pop up. In the drop-down box of the "Login" menu, select the robot ID corresponding to the Receiver, and the Client will automatically set up the VTM channel ID.
d. The VTM status can be found under the Setup Panel: Serial port, connection status, speed, mode, and channel, respectively, represent the Receiver port's connection status, the VTM's connection status, transmission speed, work mode, and VTM channel ID.
e. After receiving the VTM Channel ID, the Receiver will automatically link with the Transmitter with the same VTM Channel ID.The Client will display the transmitted pictures, and the Connection Status Indicator on the Client Setup Panel will turn green.
What is the effective detection distance of the RFID Interaction Module?
60 mm
80 mm
100 mm
120 mm
Which of the following connection modes does not apply to the Power Management Module for the Standard Robot?
Chassis' power output port — Chassis
Gimbal's power output port — Gimbal
Ammo-Booster output port — Launching Mechanism
Mini PC power output port — Main Controller Module
Which of the following incorrectly describes the settings of the Armor ID on the Main Controller Module?
The option of "Module Setup" is found on the robot's Function page.
On the "Module Setup" page, press "Armor ID Reset" to enter the Armor ID Reset status, during which the armor indicator will flash at a certain frequency.
Strike Armor Modules in succession with a consistent amount of force. If the armor light goes off and then comes back on, the armor ID has been set successfully. The ID number of the Armor Module that is hit first will be 0, and the ID numbers will increase incrementally according to the order in which the modules are struck.
On the "Module Setup" page, press "Armor ID 0" and the IDs of all the Armor Modules currently connected to the Main Controller Module will be set to "0".
What types of screws cannot be used when mounting a UWB Module?
Iron screws
Aluminum screws
Plastic screws
In user mode (Chinese mainland mode), videos and images can be properly transmitted only when the ID of the Video Transmitter Module's (VTM) Transmitter matches that of the Receiver. During debugging, which of the following correctly describe the relationship between a robot's ID and the Receiver's ID?
① If a robot's ID is RED1, then the ID of the VTM Receiver is 1.
② If a robot's ID is BLUE1, then the ID of the VTM Receiver is 1.
③ If a robot's ID is BLUE4, then the ID of the VTM Receiver is 3.
④ If a robot's ID is BLUE2, then the ID of the VTM Receiver is 2.
Which of the following correctly describe the user port of the Referee System?
① Output through UART with a baud rate of 115200.
② The user port is located on the Main Controller Module.
③ The user port is located on the Power Management Module.
④ There are two user ports, one located on the Main Controller Module and the other on the Power Management Module.
The output data from the user port of the Referee System does not include:
The competition's remaining time
The robot's remaining HP
The chassis' real-time output power
Position of the opponent robot
Which of the following incorrectly describe the setting of offline parameters of the Main Controller Module?
① The option for connecting to a network "Scan SSID" is found under "Debug Setup".
② When the robot is connected to the server, press "Reset HP" under "Game Setup" to reset the robot's HP.
③ The robot can "die" from exceeding various limits during the debugging process; to avoid this under the offline mode, the robot's power, initial projectile speed, and heat can be set as unlimited for the purpose of debugging.
④ You can enable the relevant settings under "Debug Setup" to ignore any HP deduction caused by module disconnection.
If the RoboMaster Referee System's Client fails to connect to the server, which of the following CANNOT be the reason?
Robot is not connected to the server.
The client computer is not on the same network segment as the server.
The server program is not running normally.
The firewall is not configured correctly.
Which of the following statements about the VTM is true?
The VTM can be used simultaneously with Wi-Fi-2.4 G at any frequency.
The VTM can be used simultaneously with other 5.8 G analog VTMs.
The VTM can be used simultaneously with other DJI video transmission devices.
The VTM can be used simultaneously with Wi-Fi-5 G hotspots at any frequency.
What is the operating frequency range of the VTM when it is in user mode?
5732 - 5842 MHz
5500 - 5600 MHz
2400 - 2480 MHz
5170 - 5330 MHz